To those of you who used to follow the Melissa NY blog, here I am, I'm back, and thanks for sticking around. I promise the same stories, the same inside scoop from NY social events, and more!
For those of you just stumbling across this, here's a little back story:
My name is Melissa Havergal, I am a thoroughbred New Yorker who loves this city as if it was a part of myself. In a way I guess it is an extension of myself, the Park, the shops, the rush of traffic, the constant hum of activity, and most of all the people. This city is full of incredible, amazing, off the wall, and very talented people.
My dad, for those of you who don't know, is a developer. So maybe that's where I got this deep love of the city from. I remember being 5, and him pointing out the details of architecture and design, the amazing character and personality of Manhattan, from every angle. I guess it's not surprising I ended up in architectural design. (And a cool Co-Op called Pink Elevator... Wait for posts)
Here's the other thing, for those of you just catching up: Because of my family's deep roots in the city, and my dad's role here, I've been going to social events here for longer than I can remember. They're fun -- don't get me wrong, they can get tedious, and sometimes another miniature summer roll or micro-sized-micro green and lobster club sandwich is enough to make you beg for a Coke and a bowl of matza ball soup! But, from fashion shows, to charity events, to social celebrations, a party is a party, full of gorgeous people, and ever more gorgeous outfits, and what's really fun about them is sharing them with you.
See the thing is, I don't write about socialites. That's not what Social Life is about. Social Life is about the pulse of this amazing city, and it's incredible inhabitants. Sure, I could tell you about the balls and the luncheons, and sometimes I do, but most of the time I'll write about some of the smaller events - dinner parties, concerts, openings, the things that are actually the most interesting to me... And probably to you too. Maybe a few years ago the bigger parties were more fun, but with papparazzi and all the flash over the past few years, it's gotten a bit tacky. You've seen it all before, who wants to hear another story of another debutante gone wild? Like anything, there are different scenes, and that one just seems so predictable now.
Before I sign off from this first "welcome back" post -- a few more details, since this is about social life. Maybe some of you heard, or read it in the New York times announcements... Jake and I got engaged last fall! (I know, has the site really been down that long?!) It was the most picture perfect moment, I don't know how he did it. We were in Central Park. walking to meet up with friends for lunch. There was a tourguide strolling around the South Side of the park and Jake said "let's pretend we're tourists" I don't know why, but I went along with it. And it was fun. Anyway, he's telling us the history of the different trees, Louis Carrol, all this rich culture about Central Park, and he says "let me take your picture, say cheese." And Jake, instead, gets down on one knee! He's still got the photo, let me get a copy from him and I'll share it with all of you!
So for now, I say goodbye, but not for long. And remember, I love getting your feedback!
xox Melissa

Welcome back Melissa!!!
Welcome Back!
It's great to have you back!
What a cute photo!!
Congratulations Melissa!
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